
wine-tankThe Circle of Wine Writers welcomes applications from wine and spirits communicators (unless primarily involved in public relations or trade promotion) who fulfill any or all of the membership criteria:

  • Publish regular articles or photographs in a newspaper or magazine
  • Make regular TV appearances, or regularly broadcast on radio
  • Teach regularly, with full membership of AWE or any similar organisation that is recognized by the committee
  • Publish or write for a dedicated wine/spirits website/blog that in the opinion of the committee is considered a source of accurate and well-maintained information
  • Are the author of published book/s on wine or spirits
  • Specialise in wine and/or spirits photography
  • Publish or edit wine/spirits publication/s

How to apply: You must first register on this site, you will then be guided through the next steps.  Go to the LogIn/Register tab and set up an account on the Register form.  The application process is 100% online. There is a joining fee of £50 (plus annual subscription fee, which differs for UK or Overseas members). You will need a proposer and a seconder from current members of the CWW. If you have questions about the application process, please email [email protected]dsc_6363-lagavulin

Applications must include a summary of work, in English, with supporting scans, screenshots or links. Applications fulfilling membership criteria will be put before the committee. Our aim is to complete the process within one month.  Applications can be fast-tracked at the membership secretary’s discretion.

When applications are approved, the CWW membership fee is payable, giving:

  • invitations to CWW tastings and social events
  • invitations to CWW wine trips, UK and worldwide
  • free subscription to the Circle online newsletter – The Circular
  • a press card verifying you are a member of the Circle of Wine Writers
  • discounts on a wide range of authoritative wine books and publications; wine accessories and glasses; accommodation in wine area and sundry other discounts
  • free Pro subscription to