There are approximately 250 members of the CWW from around the world. To view profiles by country click on the header boxes below, or to view the profile of a specific member please click on their name in the full list below. If you would like to find out more about the member then please join us as a Corporate Friend of the Circle – click here to find out more.


All members by surname

Billy Abbott (UK)
Roshna Ahmad (UK)
Tim Andrews (UK)
Jane Anson (France)
L.M. Archer (USA)
Julie Arkell MA (Hons) (UK)
Tim Atkin (UK)
Christine Austin (UK)
Henna Bakshi (USA)
Kristel Balcaen (Belgium)
Pedro Ballesteros Torres MW (Belgium)
Richard Bampfield MW (UK)
Amanda Barnes MW (Argentina)
Edan Barulfan DipWSET (Israel)
Krister Bengtsson (Sweden)
Abbie Bennington (UK)
Jeffrey Benson AIWS (UK)
Mariëlla Beukers (Netherlands)
Raymond Blake BA (Ireland)
Beverley Blanning MW (UK)
Shelley Boettcher (Canada)
Carolyn Bosworth-Davies (UK)
Guy Boursot (France)
Winifred Bowman (South Africa)
Jeroen Bronkhorst (Netherlands)
Stephen Brook MA (UK)
Carol Brown (UK)
David W. Brown (USA)
Dominic Buckwell (UK)
Jim Budd (UK)
Kathleen Burk BA, MA, DPhil (UK)
James Button (UK)
Charles Byers (Canada)
Bob Campbell MW (New Zealand)
Liam Campbell (Ireland)
Carla Capalbo (UK)
Randy Caparoso (USA)
Emily Cappiello (USA)
Amaya Cervera (Spain)
Marie Cheong-Thong (UK)
Michelle Cherutti-Kowal MW (UK)
Jane Clare (UK)
Philip Clark (UK)
Oz Clarke (UK)
Laura Clay (UK)
Brianne Cohen (USA)
Moshe Cohen (UK)
Katherine Cole (USA)
Samantha Cole-Johnson (USA)
Rosalind Cooper (UK)
Kevin Day (USA)
Leona De Pasquale (UK)
Sander De Vaan (Spain)
Bart de Vries (Switzerland)
Geoffrey Dean (UK)
Dave DeSimone (USA)
Laura Donadoni (USA)
Heather Dougherty BA(Hons), Dip WSET (UK)
John Downes MW (UK)
Erica Duecy (USA)
Marisa D'Vari (USA)
Sue Eames (France)
Patrick Eagar (UK)
Andrea Eby (Canada)
Anastasia Edwards (UK)
Michael Edwards (UK)
Becky Sue Epstein (USA)
Jochen Erler (Austria)
Richard Esling BSc Dip WSET (UK)
Sarah Jane Evans MW (UK)
Giles Fallowfield (UK)
Simon Field (MW)
Christopher Fielden (UK)
Marisa Finetti (USA)
Aldo Fiordelli (Italy)
Lawrence (Rick) Fisher (USA)
Håvard Flatland (Norway)
Peter Forrestal (Australia)
Christopher Foulkes (UK)
Christy Frank (USA)
Vivienne Franks MA (UK)
Michael Fridjhon (South Africa)
Elizabeth Gabay MW (France)
Darren Gall (Cambodia)
Linda Galloway (UK)
Tina Gellie (UK)
Rosemary George (UK)
Michalis Georgiou (Cyprus)
Caroline Gilby, MW (UK)
Robin Goldsmith (UK)
Tobias Gorn (UK)
Keith Grainger MA Ed (UK)
Dijana Grgić (Croatia)
Trevor Gulliver (UK)
Peter Hallgarten (UK)
James Halliday (Australia)
Carolyn Hammond (Canada)
Colin Hampden-White (UK)
Aleesha Hansel (UK)
Julia Harding MW (UK)
Graham Harding (UK)
Colin Harkness (Spain)
Nicole Harreisser (Switzerland)
Tony Harries (UK)
Cindy-Marie Harvey (UK)
Andrew Henderson (UK)
Elona Hesseling (UK)
Sunny Hodge (UK)
Robert Holmes (USA)
Andrew Howard MW (UK)
Neal D. Hulkower (USA)
Susan Hulme MW (UK)
Markus Hungerbühler (Switzerland)
Christos Ioannou (UK)
Annabel Jackson (Macau - SAR, China)
Tom Jarvis (New Zealand)
Julian Jeffs QC (UK)
Cherry Jenkins (UK)
Åsa Johansson (Italy)
Hugh Johnson OBE (UK)
Linda Johnson-Bell (UK)
Timo Jokinen (Finland)
Cameron Jones (France)
Roger Jones (UK)
Darrel Joseph (Austria)
Frank Kämmer MS (Germany)
Britt Karlsson (France)
Per Karlsson (France)
Valerie Kathawala (USA)
Susan Keevil BSc (UK)
Robin Kick MW (Switzerland)
Chris Kissack (UK)
Jamie Knee (USA)
Yair Koren Kornblum (Israel)
Julia Kostadinova (Belgium)
Anne Krebiehl MW (UK)
Chandra Kurt (Switzerland)
Hervé Lalau (Belgium)
Malu Lambert (South Africa)
Richard Lane (UK)
René Langdahl Jørgensen (Denmark)
Richard Leahy (USA)
Charlie Leary (Panama)
Sandy Leckie (UK)
Peder Lehmann Larsen (Denmark)
Allison Levine (USA)
Paul Levy (UK)
Benjamin Lewin (UK)
John Livingstone-Learmonth (UK)
Angela Lloyd (South Africa)
Wink Lorch (UK)
Natalie MacLean BPR, MBA (Canada)
Jane MacQuitty (UK)
Laura Lee Madonna (USA)
Filippo Magnani (Italy)
Nimmi Malhotra (Singapore)
Meg Houston Maker (USA)
Tatiana Mann (UK)
Peter F May (UK)
Richard Mayson (UK)
Margot Mazur (USA)
Peter McCombie BA, MW (UK)
Bill McDowall MA, LLB (UK)
John McNerney (UK)
Maggie McNie MW (UK)
Georges Meekers (Malta)
Charles Metcalfe (Portugal)
Clive Michelsen (Sweden)
Jason Millar (UK)
Marc Millon (UK)
Sandro Minella (Italy)
Adam Sebag Montefiore (Israel)
Liz Morcom MW (UK)
Frank Morgan (USA)
Alistair Morrell (UK)
Jasper Morris MW (UK)
Steven Morris (UK)
Annemarie Morse (USA)
Lynn Mueting (UK)
Rebecca Murphy (USA)
Rose Murray-Brown MW (UK)
Suzanne Mustacich (France)
Jouko Mykkänen (Finland)
Arthur Nägele (Switzerland)
Wendy Narby (France)
Fred Nijhuis (Netherlands)
Megumi Nishida (Japan)
Jill Norman (UK)
William F. O'Connor, Ed.D., DipWSET (Japan)
Judy O'Kane (UK)
Lindsay Oram (UK)
Yolanda Ortiz de Arri (Spain)
Michele Padberg (USA)
Elizabeth Palmer (Canada)
Richard Pfister (Switzerland)
Rod Phillips (Canada)
Sarah Phillips (USA)
Michael Pinkus (Canada)
Alessandra Piubello (Italy)
Joyce Rackham (UK)
Christoph Raffelt (Germany)
Jonathan Ray (UK)
Magnus Reuterdahl (Sweden)
Peter Richards MW (UK)
Jancis Robinson OBE, MW (UK)
Dena Roché (USA)
Mick Rock (UK)
Caroline Roddis (UK)
Bruno Roncarati (UK)
Maggie Rosen (UK)
Richard Ross (UK)
Thomas Rydberg (Denmark)
Cindy Rynning (USA)
Quentin Sadler (UK)
Liz Sagues (UK)
Emily Saladino (USA)
John Salvi MW (France)
Ann Samuelsen (Norway)
Sumi Sarma (UK)
Helen Savage (UK)
Martin Saxon (Italy)
Juergen Schmuecking (Austria)
Michael Schuster (UK)
Julia Sevenich (Austria)
Michèle Shah (Italy)
Trevor Sharot (UK)
Paula Sidore (Germany)
Joanna Simon (UK)
Reva K Singh (India)
Ruma Singh (India)
Stephen Skelton MW (UK)
Victor Smart (UK)
Jolanta Smiciene (Lithuania)
Elizabeth A. Smith (USA)
Olly Smith (UK)
Jean Smullen (Ireland)
Robert Smyth BA, MSc (Hungary)
Benjamin Spencer (Italy)
Nathalie Spielmann (France)
Tom Stevenson (UK)
Pam Strayer (USA)
Tal Sunderland-Cohen (UK)
Margaret Swaine BJournalism (Hons) (Canada)
Alan Tardi (USA)
Diana Thompson (UK)
Mai Tjemsland MW (Italy)
Sue Tolson BA (Hungary)
Liliane Turmes (Luxembourg)
Toshio Ueno (USA)
Sara Underdown (Australia)
Niels van Laatum (Netherlands)
Anne-Wies van Oosten (Romania)
Charlotte van Zummeren (Netherlands)
Michael Vaughan PhD (Canada)
Roger Voss (France)
José Vouillamoz (Switzerland)
Ellen Wallace (Switzerland)
Janet Wang (UK)
David Way (UK)
Luisa Welch (UK)
Lilyane Weston (UK)
Paul White DPhil (UK)
Beth Willard (Spain)
Michelle Williams (USA)
Matt Wilson (Chile)
Gilbert Winfield (UK)
Ian Wisniewski (UK)
Clive Witcomb (UK)
Nicole Wolbers (Germany)
Simon Woolf (Netherlands)
Jon Wyand (UK)
Mari Yasuda (Japan)
Alder Yarrow (USA)